Mailart & ArtByMail // open_calls & exhibitions repository

Mailart & ArtByMail // open_calls & exhibitions repository

23 permanent_calls

☑ use the ballot box to check out stuff

  • show address PORTUGAL
  • submission address #MAILART.PT | R DO FALCAO 369 3E | 4300 181 PORTO | PORTUGAL
  • description, as a platform, lists active open calls sorted out by due date, as well as exhibitions, artists, links of interest, and so on ... but it may end up being much more with your participation. As a project, it launches one yearly themed mailart open call and co-produces a few more open calls and permanent exhibitions.

    Therefore, all artwork sent to us will be part of our archive/collection and displayed online. They will eventually end up being part of any mailart exhibition that we are involved with, regarding that the artwork in question fits the said exhibition.

    We have some partnerships and some exhibition equipment installed in art spaces ready to receive your best artwork. The artwork that we'll show inside of it will change from time to time to reveal the artist's top artwork. So there is no deadline nor theme. Each one of these small exhibitions will host a single artist at a time so you're free to send your best pieces and there will be no censorship upon them.

  • extra

    Digital content will be created and sent to each artist.

  • info
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  • theme free

  • 40's booklet

  • submission address MAILART.PT | #yzonk_40s | R DO FALCAO 369 3E | 4300 181 PORTO PORTUGAL
  • description

    mail_art & art_by_mail booklet.

    This printed booklet lists mail_art and art_by_mail open calls and is used to promote the art gender.


    1. create 40 numbered pieces

    2. send to

    3. we’ll “randomly” mail them

    4. get some issues

    5. repeat

    6. (...)

    7. non-profit

  • extra

    Some of the booklets will be sent to museums, libraries and galleries... mainly a bunch will be sent to other artists.

  • info
  • info
  • required submissions 40
  • required dimensions 63 x 63 mm | 2.5 x 2.5 in

  • Alice in Wonderland

  • show address
  • submission address That Golden Afternoon | Bairro António Sérgio, Bloco C1 - 2Esq | 3020- 078 Coimbra | Portugal
  • description

    A mailart open call get to know other people's views on Lewis Carrol's book Alice in Wonderland.

    To start our blog on one of the most emblematic works of literature, I decided to create a mailart call to get a feel for other people's views on Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland book.

    This initiative has got an exhibition on-line and a traditional one if number of works received justify it.

  • curator Fernando Ferreira
  • info
  • info
  • kid friendly
  • maximum submissions 3


  • show address
  • submission address Kemal Ozyurt | P.K.407 Sirkeci PTT | Fatih 34115 Istanbul | TURKEY
  • curator Kemal Ozyurt
  • info
  • kid friendly
  • theme chronological inconsistencies: A n a c h r o n i s m.
  • medium paper
  • maximum dimensions 150 x 210 mm | 5.9 x 8.3 in

  • Appel à projets d'art postal | Mail art Call

  • show address
  • submission address Alain Cotten | 21 Vrillant | 33390 Anglade | France
  • open call Appel à projets d'art postal | Mail art Call
  • description

    1. Rebel people.

    2. Black and red.

    3. What do hide the ostriches under their wings?

    4. Angels vomit devils.

  • curator Alain Cotten
  • info

  • aqui, 'ᴉnbɐ

  • show address Portugal
  • submission address MAILART.PT | #AQUIAQUI | R DO FALCAO 369 3E | 4300 181 PORTO | PORTUGAL
  • description

    This show is renewed on the 31st of each month and has artwork done by children and for children.

  • extra

    open to young artists up to 12 years old

  • curator MAILART.PT
  • info
  • kid friendly
  • maximum dimensions 190 x 280 mm | 7.5 x 11 in

  • Beard Gallery

  • show address Fulgor Silvi | Italy
  • submission address FULGOR SILVI | VIA PAGINO 1 | 61040 FRONTONE (PU) I | Italy
  • info
  • required submissions 10
  • required dimensions 50 x 50 mm | 2 x 2 in

  • Board Games

  • submission address Dear Dice Portugal | Bairro António Sérgio, Bloco C1 - 2Esq | 3020- 078 Coimbra | Portugal
  • open call Board Games
  • description

    This initiative consists of an online exhibition and a traditional exhibition if the number of works justifies it.

  • info

  • Braincell

  • submission address Ryosuke Cohen | 2-5-208 Niihamacho | Ashiya-city Hyogo | 659-0031 Japan
  • description

    Brain Cell is a mail art project begun by Ryosuke Cohen in June 1985. The project is a networked art project where individual artists contribute stamps, stickers, drawings or other images. These are sent through the mail to Cohen, who assembles and prints them as part of each cell. He prints 150 copies (30 x 42 cm) with a small silkscreen system called a Cyclostyle (now out of production). Each participant is mailed a Brain Cell print along with a documentation list of contributors worldwide.

    Cohen keeps a copy for himself. Some of the remaining Brain Cell prints from each edition are assembled into sets of 30 consecutive editions. These set are sent to artists and Mail Art shows around the world.

    Cohen also uses Brain Cell prints in the Fractal Portrait Project (another long running art series by Cohen) and as additions to Mail Art Add and Pass pages.

    New Brain Cell editions are published every eight to ten days. More than nine hundred editions have been published.

    Cohen described the origin of the project's name in 1985: "Well, I'll title my work 'Brain Cell', because the structure of a brain through a microscope looks like the diagram of the Mail Art network. Thousands of Neurons clung and piled up together are just like the Mail Art network, I believe."

    Brain Cell is an art experiment in the vein of networked mail art, where a network expands from A, copied, forwarded and even returned to the originator. This produces a series of cybernetic cells, which can interact in a non-linear order. Brain Cell enlisted over 6,000 contributors from 80 nations between 1985 and 2002.

  • info
  • info
  • medium rubber stamps, stickers and similar
  • required submissions 150


  • submission address ZDNEK SIMA | PECINOV 101 | NOVE STRASECI 27101 | CZECH REPUBLIC
  • open call BREAKTHROUGH
  • description

    Postcard-size MailArt Project.

    We experience many breakthroughs everyday. So why not to express your breakthrough?

  • extra

    Documentation to all.

  • medium 2 dimensional postcard size


  • submission address Circulaire132 | 114-3699 Av Des Compagnons | Quebec (Quebec) | G1X 4Y4, CANADA
  • description

    Zine assembly on postal art generally intended for mailartists to allow the exchange of ideas, to publicize various projects. To participate, send 20 original stamps of artist, ATC, personalized postcards, works of 8cm X 8cm format, poems, advertisements etc ... signed and numbered. A copy of the zine will be sent to each participant who sent 20 originals.

  • info
  • required submissions 25


  • show address Casa Museo Covili | | Italy
  • submission address COVILIARTE | Via Isonzo 1 | 41026 | 41026 Pavullo n/F MO | Italy
  • extra

    exhibition every season

    on the back: surname, name, place, date, title, caption, personal message

  • info
  • medium cardboard 300gr
  • required dimensions 105 x 148 mm | 4.1 x 5.8 in

  • Drawing!

  • show address Poca Art Studio | 203-223 West Broadway | Vancouver BC | Canada | V5Y 1P5
  • submission address Poca Art Studio | 203-223 West Broadway | Vancouver BC | Canada | V5Y 1P5
  • description

    Poca Art Studio an art studio teaching all levels of drawing and painting in Vancouver Canada. We are accepting mail art of any kind to be displayed on the studio walls for all to see.

  • info
  • info
  • kid friendly

  • Field Report

  • submission address ReSite | Field Study | P.0.Box 1838 Geelong | VIC 3220 | Australia
  • open call Field Report
  • description

    The Field Report is the annual of Field Study International, produced since 1996 in the form of an assembling book. Artists are invited to create an edition of 100 pages conceived as a ‘Field Study Emanation’. Works include documentations of performances, actions, instructions, manifests, journey works, tracts, rants, reflections and experiments. Each issue contains the work of about fifty artists.

  • extra

    Please note: Apart from Field Study Publications sent as gifts/ exchange, spare copies are also sold to institutions and artist book collectors. Field Study is a non-profit project and all monies raised are ploughed back into the Field for future projects.

    Artists contributing will be sent a copy.

  • curator Field Study International
  • info
  • info
  • will be sold
  • medium Copies have to be flat and landscape format. Please leave 2cms on the left hand side for the binding.
  • required submissions 100
  • required dimensions 145 x 210 mm | 5.7 x 8.3 in

  • KART - magazine of multiplicity

  • submission address KART | David Dellafiora | PO Box 1838 Geelong | VIC 3220 | Australia
  • open call KART - magazine of multiplicity
  • description

    KART magazine is an assembling publication promoting artistic and cultural diversity. KART is an ongoing project with no deadlines and work is accepted on a continuing basis. KART is produced in limited editions of 40, each box containing works by 15 artists.

    KART is an on going project and issues will be regularly produced.

    KART is published as a collaboration between GenU- Karingal St Laurence and Field Study International.

  • extra

    Please note: Apart from Field Study Publications sent as gifts/ exchange, spare copies are also sold to institutions and artist book collectors. Field Study is a non-profit project and all monies raised are ploughed back into the Field for future projects.

    Artists contributing will be sent a copy.

  • curator Field Study International
  • info
  • info
  • will be sold
  • kid friendly
  • medium no poor quality photocopies or offensive material will be accepted
  • required submissions 40
  • maximum dimensions 110 x 160 mm | 4.3 x 6.3 in


  • submission address Broc - Mimicry | 5/3 rue Henri Hurard | 4800 Verviers | Belgique
  • open call MIMICRY
  • extra

    Envelopes and wrappings will not be opened. Doc-zine to each contributor.

  • Obsolete Shit

  • show address @obsoleteshit
  • submission address Stefano W. Pasquini Studio | Via Nosadella 37 D | 40123 Bologna | ITALY
  • description

    Your submission may be included in an issue of Obsolete Shit magazine, which comes out randomly, with random issue numbers and random size. If this is the case you will receive a copy of the magazine by post. If not you will still get mail art, a zine, or some other stuff and your work will be published on Instagram.

  • curator Stefano W. Pasquini
  • info
  • medium portrait orientation preferably
  • required dimensions 150 x 100 mm | 5.9 x 3.9 in

  • Pez Blister Mailart Call

  • show address
  • submission address My Dear Pez | (Fernando Ferreira & Maria João Diogo) | Bairro António Sérgio, Bloco C1 - 2Esq | 3020- 078 Coimbra, Portugal
  • open call Pez Blister Mailart Call
  • required file Pez Blister Mailart Call
  • description

    As we are passionate about art, correspondence and PEZ, we thought it would make perfect sense to launch a new mailart call, precisely about PEZ.

  • curator Fernando Ferreira & Maria João Diogo
  • info
  • info
  • required dimensions 70 x 210 mm | 2.8 x 8.3 in

  • ReSite

  • submission address ReSite | Field Study | P.0.Box 1838 Geelong | VIC 3220 | Australia
  • required file ReSite
  • description

    Re – a prefix indicating repetition.

    Site – the place where some activity or event takes place.

    ReSite is a new assembling publication with a difference. All pages are to be conceived as having an element of audience participation or interaction. Works could take the form of scores, instructions, or interventions to be realized by the reader.

  • extra

    Please note: Apart from Field Study Publications sent as gifts/ exchange, spare copies are also sold to institutions and artist book collectors. Field Study is a non-profit project and all monies raised are ploughed back into the Field for future projects.

    Artists contributing will be sent a copy.

  • curator Field Study International
  • info
  • info
  • will be sold
  • medium Copies have to be flat and landscape format. Please leave 2cms on the left hand side for the binding.
  • required submissions 40
  • required dimensions 148 x 210 mm | 5.8 x 8.3 in


  • submission address STAMPZINE | 4508 PLYMOUTH RD | KNOXVILLE, TN 37914 | USA
  • description

    STAMPZINE is an international rubber stamp assembly zine in the Sanizdat tradition compiled by Picasso Gaglione. Picasso has been creating zines in this manner since the late 1970s.

    In order to be included in the issues Picasso requests that you follow these guidelines: for each collection of pages submitted to STAMPZINE.


    1. Please submit 20 individual hand stamped pages 5 inches by 8 inches - US size.

    2. Each page must be hand stamped somewhere on the page. You can use any type of rubber stamp, found stamps, hand carved stamps, commercial or official stamps, body parts, toys or anything that will make an impression with the use of ink.

    3. You can use any color ink on any color paper.

    4. You can create any type background for your piece.

    5. You can combine mediums: watercolor, collage, ink, pencil, acrylic or oil background.

    6. You can stamp a page once or a million times.

    7. Each page can be unique or similar or identical as long as it is hand stamped somewhere on the page.

    8. Please sign and number each page.

    9. It is respectfully requested that any activity connected with the creation of the pages be fun for the artist.


    Editions will be mailed out as they are completed and as finances permit. Monetary donations to defray cost of return postage are always gratefully appreciated.

    Picasso sincerely thanks you -in advance- for you contribution to STAMPZINE.

  • curator Picasso Gaglione
  • required submissions 20
  • required dimensions 127 x 203 mm | 5 x 8 in

  • TELL ME ABOUT 1983

  • submission address Chiara Bertoncello | CP 68 Mestre Centro | 31071 Venezia (ITALY)
  • curator Chiara Bertoncello
  • info
  • info

  • Tristan Da Cunha is an Island Far Far Away

  • show address Post Office & Philatelic Bureau | Tristan da Cunha, TDCU 1ZZ | South Atlantic Ocean
  • submission address Post Office & Philatelic Bureau | Tristan da Cunha, TDCU 1ZZ | South Atlantic Ocean
  • description

    Send some artwork to create a permanent exhibition on the Island for them and for all who will pass by to visit the Island.

  • curator Morice Marcuse
  • info
  • info

  • WIPE // Light-Weight Bookwork

  • submission address WIPE | Field Stydy | PO Box 1838 Geelong | VIC 3220 Australia
  • description

    Send 40 sheets of printed toilet tissue. Open theme and technique, rubber-stamp,ectc.

    No organic materials or traces please.

    On going project, no deadline. Edition made every 20 participants.

    Wipe is a small assembling publication in which toilet paper is the medium. The use of a non-archival, indeed anti-archival medium, is intentional, with the ephemerality and fragility of the medium in sharp contrast with the artistic concern for archival materials. Conceived as a playful lightweight publication to circumvent postage costs, Wipe nods to Duchamp’s urinal and challenges contributors to make work on a medium that is almost anti-art.

    Contributors source their own toilet paper, a source of fascination in itself and a comment on the hygiene practices of different societies. In spite of its intended ephemerality, toilet paper allows rubber stamping, stitching, collaging, and even frottage.

  • extra

    Please note: Apart from Field Study Publications sent as gifts/ exchange, spare copies are also sold to institutions and artist book collectors. Field Study is a non-profit project and all monies raised are ploughed back into the Field for future projects.

    Artists contributing will be sent a copy.

  • curator Field Study International
  • info
  • info
  • will be sold
  • medium toilet paper
  • required submissions 40
  • maximum dimensions 110 x 140 mm | 4.3 x 5.5 in

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